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Art of Lore is a project of the fictitious Museum of Artist Beginnings in hypothetical partnership with National YoungArts Foundation.
Art of Lore is intended for artistic children and adults as well as art historians, critics, and connoisseurs. The library's goal is to inspire children to become artists by showing them that that when famous artists were children, they produced art much like that of the children visiting the collection. Additionally, it strives to enable visitors to trace the growth of artists, both early starters and late bloomers, to understand how skill develops and what influences lie behind current artworks. By putting the museum’s collections at user fingertips as a freely accessible, online library, Art of Lore hopes to expand the museum’s reach to audiences who may not have the time, resources, or inclination to travel to the museum. As a subscription-free, online collection, the library is available to all of the Internet for visitors and other cultural institutions to reference and share.