
Purpose | Scope | Organization | Using this Library | Intellectual Property | Metadata

Art of Lore is a project of the fictitious Museum of Artist Beginnings in hypothetical partnership with National YoungArts Foundation.


Art of Lore is intended for artistic children and adults as well as art historians, critics, and connoisseurs. The library's goal is to:

  • Inspire children to become artists by showing them that that when famous artists were children, they produced art much like that of the children visiting the collection.
  • Enable visitors to trace the growth of artists, both early starters and late bloomers, to understand how skill develops and what influences lie behind current artworks.



Art forms:

  • Drawings
  • Paintings
  • Jewelry
  • Ceramics
  • Digital art
  • Digital animations

Created by (portraying now renowned artists):

  • Dragon Lore
  • Elven Lore
  • Jedi Lore


  • Created during artists' childhoods or early in their explorations of a given art form
  • A limit of 28 inches along any dimension for physical objects
  • Subject matter suitable for young audiences
  • A clear attempt at creative expression, whether the work stands alone or circumscribed by other content.



The library is arranged into collections for each artist. Objects and their digital surrogates are recorded as a single item, distinguished by metadata labeled with "digital" or "digitized."


Using this Library

Search by typing a term into the search box at the top of any page. Records are searchable via metadata and at the item, file, and collection levels.

Browse collections and items by clicking the corresponding menu option at the top or in the footer of any page. Explore featured collections or items by clicking on them from the home page. Click on metadata and tags to browse items with the same metadata or tag.

From an item's record page, click on an image to view it full-screen. Right click on it and choose "Save Image As..." to download the picture. Use your browser's back button to return to the library.

Click on a video to play it. Right click on it and choose "Save Video As..." to download it. Click on the X made of arrows in the bottom right corner of the video to view it full screen. Use you browser's back button to return to the library.


Intellectual property

With the exception of digital art by Jedi Lore, all items are available under CC BY-NC-ND license. Digital art by Jedi Lore is copyrighted and has a subtle copyright watermark added across the image. Some artwork may be circumscribed by text, the contents of which may risk the artist’s privacy. In such cases, the text has been blurred during post-processing to make it illegible.



Qualified Dublin Core is used with the following elements as core:

  • Title
  • Creator
  • Date Created
  • Description
  • Subject
  • Type
  • Extent
  • Medium
  • Publisher
  • Rights
  • Rights Holder
  • Identifier

Elements which are core if applicable are:

  • Language
  • Source
  • Relation
  • Relation—HasPart
  • Relation—IsPartOf

To this application profile our metadata librarian added the following core-if-applicable local elements to approximate a one-to-one principle:

  • Date Digitized
  • Primary Digital Extent

Vocabulary control:

  • Local vocabulary control
  • Dublin Core Metadata Initiative (DCMI) Type Vocabulary
  • Internet Media Types (IMT)
  • Library of Congress Subject Headings (LCSH)
  • Getty Art & Architecture Thesaurus (ATT).

Data is captured according to the current version of Resource Description and Access (RDA).
